Thursday, 24 March 2011

New 8320HD UI coming this summer

Pocket-lint have a review of the proposed new UI for the 8320HD - yes, the one we've been promised for about a year now. It does look far slicker than the current one, though I hope they remember to include auto-padding and non-repeating remote control responses in this one! A second article on the UI claims Summer 2011 is the new UI launch date, so start those countdown clocks now....


  1. I've added details in the LINKS section of the Yahoo Netgem I Player Group here:

    You request to join the group for approval to access the links, photos and files.

    I also added info and the 13 image URL links on the Radio and Telly Forum Netgem/Fetch TV discussion:

    Just URL links and info, yet maybe you would like to add the original images info on your blog as well.

    Regards, Denis Martindale.

  2. I've added the new User Interface image links here:

    Regards, Denis Martindale.
